The brave men did not fight the dragons. The brave men rode them.
Aureate emrys.

"I am a dragonlord. It is my sacred duty to protect until the last of the dragonkind."

.  PERSONALITY  . Aureate is also known as the Warrior of Light (or Darkness, depending on who you ask). She is a shorter woman, a member of the Miqo’te race, standing just at 5'3. Her entire body is peppered with freckles, a byproduct of many days spent basking in the sun. Atop her head, shoulder length chestnut hair, as fiery as the setting sun, usually topped by a bow. She keeps her hair disheveled and messy when she's not working on important affairs - a testament to her carefree nature -; but tries to keep it proper when that's the case, tiding it with a braid on the left side of her head.
Day to day, Aureate is seen wearing her trademark scholasticate coat, her reading glasses already ready for intense study sessions with other scholars in Old Sharlayan. On the both sides of her neck, an Archon mark representing her mastery in the studies of healing; and on her left shoulder, the mark of the group known as the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. For those lucky enough to see it, a tattoo of a dragon is visible on her lower back, just above her tail. Several scars adorn her right arm, having received them as a kit from several incidents training dragons. She is known for how expressive she is with her ears and tail, both in constant motion, complimenting her playful nature. However, at first meeting, she is known to be a little shy and reserved, and wary around strangers.

.  BACKGROUND  .  Aureate comes from a long line of dragon trainers, and as such was close with them her entire life. Like so many others, Aureate was orphaned during the Calamity, losing both her parents and a younger sister to a stray blast from Bahamut. She was found by the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and taken in as one of their own, molding the girl to the strong woman she is now. Through her many deeds, she was accepted by the Goddess Hydaelyn to be one of the fabled Warriors of Light. Through the blessings of the Goddess, and a lot of hard work, Aureate made her way to becoming an omni-healer, specializing as a Sage, in honor of her devoted years of studying in Sharlayan.

.  LOVE...  . During the events on the First, Aureate came to be close with a man known as the Crystal Exarch. In light of her trials across The First, Aureate caught the Exarch's interest, and the two became allies. During the events at the Crystal Tower, before he was turned into crystal, the Exarch revealed himself as G'raha Tia, a fellow Miqo’te, one of Allagan descent. Thanks to fast thinking on Aureate's part, she was able to transfer his soul into a special crystal developed by the Scions, and on her return to Eorzea, was able to restore him to his former body.After recovering from their triumph on The First, both Aureate and G’raha would spend most of their time together at the Great Sharlayan Library. When the two weren’t joking back and forth about how they practically looked like twins, or G’raha poking fun at Aureate for daydreaming, she would be studying hard to increase her skills as an omni-healer, so she could put her talents to good use.As time passed, Aureate and G'raha became inseparable, the love that Aureate felt for G'raha only deepened due to all the struggles they faced together. On the eve of the battle to save all the Source, G'raha paid Aureate a visit. Summoning her courage, the Miqo’te woman finally had the nerve to confess her love. G’raha responded in kind, the two sharing a deep, longing kiss lasting long into the night. The smiles on their face the next morning only cemented the official beginning of their relationship.
At present, with the Scions “disbanded”, Aureate and G'raha spend their days adventuring together, their love for each other is as strong as ever. While not continuing their work as saviors of the realm, they share a cottage together on the outskirts of Kugane, not too far from the waterfront. They value the peaceful days, but will not hesitate to jump into action if need be, the two always at each other’s sides.

─── ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───AGE
─── ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───RACE
Seeker of the Sun
─── ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───FAVORITE ROLE
─── ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───FAVORITE JOB
─── ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───OCCUPATIONS
Advertiser ⭑ Tarot Reader

─── ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───ESTATE ADDRESSShirogane ⭑ Ward 13, Plot 58
Personal Estate
Empyreum ⭑ Ward 6 ⭑ Room 004
─── ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───GUARDIAN
Thaliak, the Scholar

Aure ⭑ Aurea ⭑ Aurin
starfriend ⭑ dragonlord
─── ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───FREE COMPANY
Moonrise Kingdom
─── ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───DATE OF BIRTH
7th Sun of the 3rd Astral Moon
─── ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───FAVORITE COLOR
Dalamud Red
─── ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───LIKES
coffee ⭑ dragons ⭑ otters
fate reading ⭑ flowers ⭑ pancakes
─── ⋆ ✰ ⋆ ───DISLIKES
dragonslayers ⭑ green

─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───STEAM FRIEND CODE
─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───AGE
─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───PRONOUNS
─── ⋆ ⭑ ⋆ ───TIMEZONE